Saturday, June 30, 2007

Financial advice: pros and cons of a home equity loan

So, you are considering a home equity loan. There are several things that you should know when considering this type of loan. There are many pros and cons to this situation, and it really just depends on your personal situation if this would be a good or bad decision for you and your family.

Firstly, what are you planning on using the home equity loan for? Do you desperately need the money for paying bills or paying off credit card debt? Are you considering major home improvements? There are probably very few times when a home equity is a great idea. For example, home equity loans are usually not a good idea to buy depreciating items, such as a new living room set, a big vacation, etc. Paying off credit card debt may be a decent move since you will change from interest that is not tax-deductible to interest that is tax-deductible. That is all nice and fine, but make sure that you do not take advantage of the fact that your credit cards are all now ready to be taken advantage of again. However, home equity loans may be a very good idea to use for an adoption of a child, or major home improvements.

Consider that you will have to pay back the home equity loan with interest. The interest will be tax-deductible, so that will be a major plus. However, if for some reason you can’t pay back this loan, your home will be on the line, and that is a very big con, and you should probably take this into consideration before even considering a home equity loan. Taking out a home equity loan takes some planning and self-discipline financially.

Buying depreciating items will the home equity loan is not usually a very good idea. Months or even years after your big vacation is over, you will still be paying for it, including large amounts of interest. Yes, the interest is tax-deductible, but is that really a good reason to feel good about your big luxury purchase? You can be the judge of that one.

Using a home equity loan for adoption is of course worth the money because you will be saving another human’s life and adding to your enjoyment and quality of life for the rest of your lifetime. Most people would be willing to go through the financial strain for a child. After all, many people spend thousands of dollars on fertility treatments to have children anyhow. With adoption, you definitely get a child out of it.

Home improvements are probably the best use of a home equity loan. Your equity will be working for you in this way, instead of sitting in an account somewhere. Improving your home will usually increase the value of your home, and its resale value. Before you do home improvements, you might want to look into what home improvements are the best investments, and which ones usually pay you back when you sell the house. In this situation, you may just get your money back when you sell it, which would basically be the smartest move on your part. Investments are usually a good idea. If you have the money and the power to make more money, this is usually the best use of your money.