Tuesday, March 6, 2007

What You Should Know When Buying Real Estate in Florida

Real estate differs from one state to the next. When buying real estate in Florida you should know the laws and rules that will effect you. Some things, however, are universal and apply to anyone buying real estate anywhere. These things are also important to know before getting into a real estate transaction.

There are two relationships between buyers and agents in Florida, Buyers Agents and Transactional Brokers. A buyers agent is a representative of the buyer. The buyers agent is required to look for the best interests of the buyer. They must tell the buyers everything about the real estate transaction and follow any direction of the buyer. A transactional buyer does not represent the buyer. They are there to sell real estate. They are not required to tell the buyer everything about the transaction. For specific information regarding a buyers rights in Florida you should contact the Florida Real Estate Commission.

In general when buying real estate a person should follow some simple real estate rules. While these rules are not legally binding and it is ultimately up to the buyer as to if they follow them or not, they are a good idea to at least keep in mind. The following list gives some of these rules.

- Do not let anyone pressure you into buying.
- Keep a budget in mind and stick to it.
- Do not sign anything you do not understand.
- Research the costs and legal points before starting a transaction.
- Get a good idea of the neighborhood and type of house you would like before hand.

Buying real estate is a major financial decision. Every step should be taken to ensure a buyer makes the best decision. Following general guidelines and state laws will help to ensure the transaction goes smoothly.

Robert Thatcher is a freelance author based in Cupertino, California. He publishes articles and reports in various ezines and contributes on a regular basis to FreeNetPublishing.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_Thatcher