Thursday, May 3, 2007

The Rich Jerk - What's inside? Is it worth it?

Wow! Finally someone is going to take the time to actually tell you what's inside the Rich Jerk ebook and whether it's really worth it.

Well, I can say I have in fact read it, and my review is... well, it's ok. The ebook is certainly very interesting and gives a fairly good overview of how you can use advertising sources such as google adwords to sell products effectively for a commission from both clickbank and commission junction. Whilst there were some really interesting points in there that I had not of thought of before, I do not think for a second that anyone will become rich instantly just by reading the ebook - an agenda that so many of these ebooks take on. Here are some important points that I found useful:

You should try almost every advertising option that crosses your path, providing it looks legit and is affordable - there are other advertising solutions other than google adwords which give far better return on investment. The Rich Jerk ebook really opened my eyes to this fact - if you don't try the advertising solutions available out there then you will never know if they work or not, besides most advertising options available on the net do not cost a great deal so if after your tester investment you don't get a good return then you know not to use that solution again - just move onto another. He really pushes this fact when it comes to using other search engines, google is the most popular and so will most likely deliver most of your hits, but if you use a lot of the smaller search engines, then you can get the same quantity and quality of visitors overall at a cheaper overall cost. Two networks he recommended were Miva and 7search, I can't say I've used either yet. But from what I've heard in forums they seem to be doing a good job.

Another thing he talks about is how to actually write good adverts. Here's an example of two adverts, both advertising Domain registering services.

While other adverts will look like this:

Domain Registration
Register your domains here.
We are having a domain sale.

You should aim to make your adverts humorous or completely outrageous - it will draw attention and almost certainly boost your clickthru rates. You basically have to be creative and inventive, forget about all the formal language you've been taught at school, be informal; after all we are talking to people here, not robots! This advert would be much more effective:

Your Domain Sucks.
But if you register it with us
then it won't suck. Cuz we're cool.

This is not all he covers - one thing that caught my eye was the section on creating review sites to sell products, he really gives you everything you need to make a page that will sell. Now, I knew that gurus everywhere where always going on about creating your own reviews to sell products, but I never really got down to it, this book really hit it home for me - in fact I'm writing a review now! (don't worry I'm not actually trying to sell you the rich jerk ebook here though :P)

In short - I didn't think the book was a load regurgitated c$^* however I did think it lacked some aspects. For instance I really wanted to know more about auto responder advertising and maybe even an example or two that I could use for myself. Another thing I have to say, is that I agree with many other reviews on this book - it is not really for new comers - you have to know what he's talking about when he talks about affiliation, adwords, PPC, CTR, CPM - if you don't you'll find it hard to keep up.

Here are some chapters the book has in it for making money online.
"Creating Affiliate Websites that sell like crazy"
"Unique Search Engine PPC Strategies to kill the competition"
"Search Engine Optimisation Strategies" (some stuff I hadn't thought of in there)
"Selling your own Informational Product" (if you ever get there!)
"Buying Wholesale and selling on Ebay" (A section I didn't expect to see, there were some good product sources in there too)
"Websites you can make profitable right now"
"Other Online Ventures to Consider"

The Rich Jerk is certainly one to consider however there is another product out there that I believe would suit you much better when it comes to making money online. The product I'm talking about is called Profit Lance, the link is in my Bio below if you want to take a look.

Profit Lance is unlike any other product of its type I've ever seen - profit lance is more like a training course than just a simple manual. At first glance the sales page looks like any other corny 'make money' product out there. But there is a major difference here. Its a training system that actually gets you off your butt and gets you making money, this is because the system goes step by step explaining everything and at the end of each step it gives you a task or project to complete - with every project you complete you make steadily more income. As well as this unique system you are given 15 websites with free hosting that are implemented with every project you take on giving you a good starting block for your internet success. As well as these sites you are given 5 adsense sites a week over a period of 30 weeks (150 sites overall) these are also are ready made and at your disposal.

The main problem Profit Lance solves is procrastination, usually when people by one of these ebooks they get excited for a while then put it away and don't actually get on with it! They think, 'that was interesting, I'll try it soon' - but they never get round to it - Profit Lance practically makes you do the work and believe me it really helps!

If you're not sure about Profit Lance then open it up through the link in my bio and have a look at it - if you're still not sure keep it open and type 'profit lance' into google, there are plenty more articles out there to help you make a decision. Even then, if you can't afford to opt in to the system right away, you should bookmark it for later. Finally you must remember that they have great refund policy and I can guarantee you its a 100% legit. If you're not happy with the system you can claim a 100% refund within 80 days of purchasing.

About the Author

Here are the links to both products as promised:
Profit Lance:
Rich Jerk:
(If you're wondering about the strange URL's - I just use them to track how many hits this article generates)